Isaac N Kozukhin
creator of dark & introspective fiction

Publications, etc.
The Grinners — short audio horror

The Banya — short play
Projects in Progress
Boundary-pushing, queer, weird fantasy novel.
Menura is part of a genderbending, shapeshifting people called the seemers. As she evades a fetishizing stalker, a bigoted holy warrior, and the husband she abandoned, she finds herself at the center of a religious revolution.
Dark, intimate, mystical stage play. Inspired by historical events.
In medieval Germany, Rabbi Eleazar of Worms strives to animate a golem to avenge his murdered wife. His son Jakob helps him create it, but slowly realizes that Eleazar's intentions are not what they seem.

Isaac Kozukhin (he/them) is a queer, Jewish, New England-based writer whose style balances the weird and unexpected with the deep and introspective.​ He's interested in exploring the underbelly of human experience through the lens of the unreal, while challenging the norms of speculative fiction. He draws inspiration from nature, history, and his own experiences with mental illness. He is a 2024 alumnus of the Novel Immersive for LGBTQ+ Writers, run by Milo Todd. He lives in New Haven, CT with his partner, and enjoys looking at birds and other nonhuman creatures.